BricolaQ Blog (diary)

BricolaQ(の日記 by 藤原ちから


The Diary of Woman In A Port 7

To be, or not to be, that is the question. I always have to make some kind of decision. Ultimately that responsibility belongs to myself. But has I really decided? Sometimes I have been moved by something external. For example, my dream is…

About The Dairy of Woman In A Port(港の女日記について)

新シリーズ『港の女』の滞在制作にあたって、その日記をひとまず英語で書くことにしました。必要なことはそのうち日本語で書くと思います。 · This diary is a record of long-term artist-in-residence of "Woman In A Port". This record will be also a p…

The Diary of Woman In A Port 6

In Korea, Ansan City, I met some interesting people. For example, Kong Kie came from Macau. At the breakfast of the final morning with him, he introduced his friend Cindy who came from Beijing. We are talking about “art” or something, and …

The Diary of Woman In A Port 5

In those days I was moving on UTOPIA which was not anywhere...


今年もフィリピン・マニラのケソン・シティ(Quezon City)周辺で、カルナバル(KARNABAL)フェスティバルが開催されます。今年の開催は5月10日〜21日までで、10月にもあるようです。 現時点で公表されているプログラムはこちら。…