BricolaQ Blog (diary)

BricolaQ(の日記 by 藤原ちから

1/2-3 three days of January


そうか、はてなブログは書いた日付をいじることが今のところできないっぽい。So, my writing form should change, adjust this blog's system.


I spent these days like New Year holidays. Watched "Tora-san" at DVD, visited to 2 Shinto shrines (Sarutahiko-Jinja & Omiya-Hachiman-Gu), pulled Sacred lots, drank amazake, went a public bath, and play the game "Momotetu".

I decided that I didn't work on Omisoka & the first three days of the new year. Because I was too busy this several days of the last year 2011. So I wanted to greet the New Year 2012 calmly.




On 3rd day's night, I watch TV 12 channel, see Yukorin. She was already not the princess of the Korin planets. She seems free than before. For a girl with a trouble of fart, Yukorin said "Go ahead, fart is not bad at all!".




And the next program began. "Soichiro Tahara's last will". This was that a few men talked about Tahara's past documentary programs. Kazuo Hara, Naoki Yamamoto, and a former soldier of Rengo Sekigun appeared as guests. The Rengo Sekigun Case is known as Japanese worst darkness. And I think that such a case might be repeated from now on.

"Justice" is dangerous. Contempt for another person will ruin myself (and yourself). A judgment about another person should be as slow as possible.

